Clear the mind - Energize the body!
Health, diet and exercise ... we all talk about doing more of it (some of us just need to start!), but somehow life gets in the way.
For everyone that needs a destination to motivate themselves to get out and sweat, look to KONQER for the answers!
KONQER Sports provides signature events it promotes, as well as lists of many other sporting events throughout Guam and the region.
We create, collaborate and market exciting carefully curated sporting events and activities (including leagues) to help you better plan your next step.
Join our mailing list and stay informed on our signature sports events!
Live longer, happier and lead a healthy life by staying active through the love of doing sports!
KONQER (K1) 2015 competitor climbs the 'Vertigo' challenge at the 2015 inagural event. Yigo, Guam International Raceway